Social Media Marketing Specialist


Social Media Marketing Specialist



Job Location: Beijing

Type of job: fulltime

Starting date: October 9, 2020

Reporting Line: Operation Manager




  • 负责公司以及服务客户的新媒体平台(微信、微博、知乎、抖音、小红书等)整体搭建运营,包括制定新媒体发展战略、实施规划,实施执行,并对不同项目新媒体发展阶段目标达成及KPI负责。
  • 负责新媒体版块设计、主题及内容的策划撰写,挖掘和分析用户群体使用习惯、情感及体验感受,及时掌握新闻热点,有效完成专题策划活动,提供优质、有高度传播性内容;
  • 独立完成新媒体平台内容的策划、撰写、编辑、排版、配图、发布等工作。同时独立完成新媒体平台帐号的日常管理工作
  • 能够熟练应用社交媒介组合,对互联网及社会相关热点事件敏感,能够准确把握用户心态,对热门事件进行及时响应;
  • 负责新媒体合作伙伴拓展,KOL、网络达人、直播主持人的跟进和维护。


  1. Responsible for the creation and operation of the accounts on social media platforms (WeChat, Weibo, Zhihu, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, etc.),
  2. Lead social media development strategies, planning and implementation to achieve KPI of each stage.
  3. Design and plan social media account content theme, topic.
  4. Draft and post social media content and analyze user group and usage habits,
  5. Independently complete the drafting, editing, image matching and publishing of the social media contents and daily management of social media account.
  6. Be able to apply social media combinations skillfully, be sensitive to Internet and social related hot events, be able to accurately grasp the user’s mentality, and timely respond to hot events;
  7. Responsible for the expansion of new media partners, the follow-up and maintenance of KOLs, network masters, and live broadcast hosts.




  • 拥有1年以上互动营销策划、微博/微信运营/抖音运营领域相关工作经验; 具备一定的策划和项目管理的能力。
  • 具备扎实的文案策划功底,活动策划能力及创意推广;
  • 能独立策划运营新媒体内容,包括内容规划、主题撰写、热点策划、互动活动等;
  • 逻辑分析和快速反应能力,执行力强,善于团队合作;
  • 可独立进行事件营销的策划执行,了解如何拓展粉丝量与阅读量;



  • 有丰富新媒体资源或用户获取渠道资源者优先
  • 有过跨境电商/进口食品酒类/进口运动品牌类新媒体运营推广经验者优先
  • 良好英语读写能力者优先



  1. More than 1 year of relevant work experience in social media marketing and WeChat, Weibo and Douyin account management experience.
  2. Extensive experience with content topic planning, copywriting, and social campaign planning.
  3. Logic analysis and rapid response-ability, strong execution, good at teamwork;
  4. Native level of Chinese.
  5. Experience with WeChat group management and acquiring social media marketing channel is highly preferred.
  6. Experience of promotion of imported food and beverage, sports brands and nutrition is highly preferred
  7. Good English reading and writing skills are preferred

