The Chinese Digital Marketing Ecosystem is a complex and diverse one. Below is a summary of the presentation we delivered for the European Tech Chamber (EUTECH) China Alliance networking group.
First things first: Chinese vs. Western Digital Ecosystem
There are huge differences of Digital ecosystem between China and Western world.
In the Chinese market, we MUST fully leverage local digital ecosystem to enter and grow business
Chinese Consumer Discovery Journey
We have summarized the loop of Chinese Discovery Journey and where to meet them as below.
Be Where Your Customers Are: The Local Search Engine
It is widely known that Google doesn’t work in China and therefore, there is the local version which Chinese consumers trust and rely to when it comes to doing research. Being where Chinese consumers are is key
Baidu (equivalent of Google) has an entire ecosystem of its own, we will focus on three main ones:
An essential part of everyday life in China
Just like Google and Bing search engines, Baidu search engine drives traffic and ranks higher websites with better user experience and user interface.
Zhihu (equivalent of Quora) is a particular platform because of the community it creates around a certain topic
China’s Main 3 Social Media Platforms
WeChat, known as China’s “SuperApp”
WeChat has developed an ecosystem where users can:
- Make transactions
- Search
- Order food
- Book movie tickets
- Call a taxi
- Play games
- Share short videos… (the list is almost endless)
Weibo: China’s Twitter Reloaded
Weibo is China’s Hyper Integrated Favorite Microblog
XiaoHongShu (RED)
China’s Hottest Social Channel
RED is China’s most influential social channel (among females Gen Z)
RED has over 53.6 million Monthly users
3 Main Functions:
- Social sharing
- Discovery of New brands and Trends
- Shop & Share
Our Approach
We suggest brands to have an omnichannel presence in China with a core content/communication center such as WeChat Official Account from where to expend to other channels like Weibo, Toutiao, Zhihu, Douyin, Search engine reputation and actively start marketing communication through content channel.
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